Balance Pitta Dosa With Punarnava Asavam

Balance Pitta Dosa With Punarnava Asavam

Liver Support

Punarnava Asavam


Punaranava Asavam is a liquid Ayurvedic product used to soothe inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and asthma. It also acts as a diuretic. It balances all three dosas, but it's especially effective in calming vata and sama-pitta dosa. 

According to Bhaishajya Ratnavali, it can be helpful to treat and manage Kashta Sadhya Vyadhi (diseases that are considered difficult to cure). Punarnava improves kidney function. 

Several ingredients in Punarnavasavam act as a hepatoprotective and strengthen liver functions. It normalizes the size of an enlarged liver by reducing inflammation and pressure on the hepatocytes. 

Due to its cardioprotective, mild diuretic and antihyperlipidemic properties, Punarnava relieves hypertension. Combined with a balanced yoga, meditation and pranayama practice, it is especially helpful in preventing and relieving hypertension. 

Punarnava Asavam improves digestive strength. Vomiting, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain are typical indications.

It can be combined with Shirodhara Panchakarma procedure to get better results in hypertension.


  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Gastritis
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Oedema
  • Ascites
  • Splenomegaly
  • Hyperacidity
  • Liver disorders
  • Abdominal tumors and distension


A typical dosage of Punaranva Asavam is 10 – 20 ml. once or twice a day. It can be taken before or after food and mixed with an equal quantity of water before taking. This is just a common recommendation, however. Booking a series of consultations with an Ayurvedic practitioner that has experience and knowledge about classical products and treatments is preferred over attempting to take this product on your own. 


Every 10 ml. is prepared out of:

  • Sita Saccharum officinarum 0.894 g
  • Makshika Honey 0.447 ml
  • Nagara Zingiber officinale 0.009 g
  • Maricha Piper nigrum 0.009 g
  • Pippali Piper longum 0.009 g
  • Haritaki Terminalia chebula 0.009 g
  • Amalaki Phyllanthus emblica 0.009 g
  • Vibhitaki Terminalia bellirica 0.009 g
  • Darvi Berberis aristata 0.009 g
  • Swadamshtra Tribulus terrestris 0.009 g
  • Brihati Solanum anguivi 0.009 g
  • Nidigdika Solanum virginianum 0.009 g
  • Vasa Justicia beddomei 0.009 g
  • Erandamula Ricinus communis 0.009 g
  • Katuki Neopicrorzhia scrophulariiflora 0.009 g
  • Gajapippali Scindapsus officinalis 0.009 g
  • Sophaghni Boerhavia diffusa 0.009 g
  • Pichumarda Azadirachta indica 0.009 g
  • Guluchi Tinospora cordifolia 0.009 g
  • Sushkamulaka Smilax china 0.009 g
  • Duralabha Tragia involucrata 0.009 g
  • Patola Trichosanthes cucumerina 0.009 g
  • Dhataki Woodfordia fruticosa 0.143 g
  • Draksha Vitis vinifera

Common Product Combinations

  • Acidact Tablets are taken with Punarnava to heal gastritis and hyperacidity. 
  • Gandha Tailam Capsules and Yogaraja Guggulu are combined with Punarnava in the case of osteoarthritis. 
  • Pippalya Asavam is administered along with Punarnava in the case of bloating and indigestion.
  • Chandraprabha Vati is used with Punarnava Asavam in urinary symptoms such as burning and painful micturition.
  • Take Punarnava along with Arogyavardhini Vati or Tapyadi Lauh to improve liver function.
  • Combine regular use of Punarnava Asavam along with Shirodhara for optimum results in relieving hypertension. 

Duration of Use

It can be used for a long period of time on a daily basis. Discuss with an experienced practitioner.

Possible Side Effects

A high dose may cause gastric irritation and constipation. It can also cause temporary variations in blood pressure, so people with hypertension should use this product only under the supervision of a physician and an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Since it contains sugar, those with diabetes should take it only under the supervision of a physician and an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Breastfeeding mothers can use this asavam. It is not known to produce any adverse effects when used for a short period of time. But it should be avoided by pregnant women unless advised by an Ayurvedic doctor.

Additional Research

  • Gharate, Manisha, and Veena Kasture. "Evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and antiulcer activity of Punarnavasava: an Ayurvedic formulation of Boerhavia diffusa." Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine 13.2 (2013): 121-126.
  • ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF BOERHAVIA DIFFUSA AND PUNARNAVASAVAM ON URINARY TRACT INFECTION (UTI) CAUSING PATHOGENS Vineeth T, Deepak M and AB Rema Shree* Centre for Medicinal Plants Research, Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal, Kerala
  • DIURETIC ACTIVITY OF A SIDDHA DRUG: PUNARNAVASAVAM R.Valarmathi, S. Akilandeswari*, M. Sivagamy and VN. Indulatha * Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Periyar College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Thiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India.

  • Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Shotha rogadhikara, 197-201


The purpose of this article is to provide information about Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have serious acute or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional or physician. If you are seeking the health advice of a certified Ayurvedic practitioner or doctor, please call us at (800) 215 – 9934 or email us. We will provide you with the contact information of our affiliated Ayurvedic professionals. Check with your physician before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.

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