Nourish and Strengthen Hair with Ayurvedic Oils

Nourish and Strengthen Hair with Ayurvedic Oils


Kottakkal USA_Nourish and Strengthen Hair with Ayurvedic Oils

Ayurvedic hair care takes into account multiple things that promote healthy hair, including stimulating hair growth, maintaining a natural color, increasing strength of the hair strand itself and hair loss prevention. Healthy hair that is shiny and naturally colorful is also an indicator of excellent bone health!

This is because hair is a sub tissue of bone tissue, according to Ayurveda. As hair develops and grows, there is a significant need for prithvi (earth) and akasha (space) elements for healthy development. These elements are present in foods containing the astringent taste. Astringency is one of the six tastes of Ayurveda, and all six are required for strong overall health.(The six tastes are sweet, salty, sour, astringent, pungent, and bitter.)The astringent taste is mostly found in vegetables and legumes. 

The nutritional requirements for healthy hair require all six tastes. However, the sweet, sour and astringent tastes are most beneficial for building strong hair and bones. There is an Ayurvedic concept known as keshya. The word keshya means “what is good for the hair” and is defined by three main concepts.

  • Kesha sanjanana - stimulates hair growth
  • Kehsha vardhana - promotes strong hair
  • Kesha ranjana - restores color; reverses graying

Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala has keshya hair oils that promote all three concepts; growth, strength, and natural color.

Cheriya Bhringamalakadi Oil prevents hair loss and improves the natural color. This product is made with sesame oil and two primary herbs: Bhringaraj and Amalaki.

Kayyanyadi Coconut Oil rejuvenates damaged hair and helps prevent hair loss and premature graying. This product is made with coconut oil and three primary herbs: Bhringaraj, Amrita and Dhatri.

Kuntalakanti Oil prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth and improves skin complexion. This product is made with sesame oil and four primary herbs: Vibhitaki, Bhringaraj, Amalaki and Nili.

Nilibhringadi Sesame Hair Oil nourishes and promotes healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss and dandruff. This product is made from sesame oil and four primary herbs: Nili, Satakratulata, Bhringaraj, and Dhatriphala.

Nilibhringadi Coconut Hair Oil nourishes and promotes healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss and dandruff. This product is made from coconut oil and four primary herbs: Nili, Satakratulata, Bhringaraj and Dhatriphala.

Triphaladi Oil prevents hair loss, premature graying of the hair and split ends. This product is also useful for headaches and rhinitis. It’s made from a base of sesame oil and milk, along with two primary herbs: Tekaraja and Hatha.

Durvadi Coconut Hair Oil prevents dandruff and an itchy scalp. This product is made from a base of coconut oil and three primary herbs: Durva, Nimba, and Kherashira.

Two Different Ways to Apply Kottakkal’s Hair Oils

  • For daily use, apply a half-teaspoon of oil by lightly massaging the head. It is not necessary to wash it off, as it will absorb into the hair and scalp.
  • Once or twice per week, apply 1 tablespoon of oil by massaging the head. It may be left on for up to an hour, then washed off with a natural shampoo.

What to read next: 8 Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Hair.


Original source: Dr JV Hebbar,

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kottakkal Ayurveda products and this information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have serious, acute, or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic practitioner or doctor, call (800) 215-9934 or email us at and we will provide you with one of our affiliated Ayurvedic professionals. Check with your doctor before taking herbs when pregnant or nursing.
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